How the history of HIV/AIDS in the UK in the 1980s is exaggerated, while the current risk to gay men is played down

By | 22nd July 2021

In an article on the Mail Online website Simon Fanshawe writes: “It was a transformative decade. HIV/Aids killed tens of thousands of blameless gay men, many of them heartbreakingly young, while Margaret Thatcher’s government instituted Section 28.” Mr Fanshawe is one of the original founders of the charity Stonewall and it’s clear he’s referring to… Read More »

“Gay Shame” What’s that all about?

By | 11th July 2021

“Gay shame” is the new ideologically driven narrative the gay ill health sector is pushing onto the gay community. It stems from a 2005 book “The Velvet Rage” by Alan Downs. In it Downs explores “gay shame” by interviewing a number (not many) of gay men. The idea is that we are all suffering from… Read More »

It’s A Sin Review: A distorted narrative of AIDS in the 80s

By | 9th February 2021

“It’s A Sin” is the story of an arrogant, ignorant, selfish, irresponsible gay man (Ritchie). A failed actor in denial of the AIDS epidemic. Someone who wouldn’t listen to any advice or guidance on his sex life, he would not moderate his behaviour. He didn’t give a fuck about himself or anyone else. As the… Read More »

Confusion and Contradiction is part of the HIV non prevention strategy

By | 24th January 2021

Do you ever read articles, tweets, facebook posts from the gay ill health sector and feeling utterly confused in what they are saying, how they are saying it and what it all means? Politically correct language which offers no advice, guidance and is contradictory when you think about it? Well confusion and contradiction is part… Read More »

“Self stigma” Why the gay ill health sector won’t promote condoms

By | 16th October 2020

You will have seen over the past few years several campaigns from the gay ill health sector. Focusing on testing, U=U and of course PrEP. As always “HIV stigma” is thrown into the mix. However don’t you find it odd in the fight to “prevent” and “tackle” HIV that condoms are never mentioned or if… Read More »

Is the gay ill health sector enacting bareback conversion therapy on the gay community?

By | 23rd July 2020

If you believe the gay ill health sector is a force for good in the gay community, this article may be triggering for you. It may however be a sign you have been brainwashed and traumatised by an extreme politically correct woke bareback agenda masquerading as “ending HIV”. So please have an open mind. ” Brainwashing (also… Read More »

Lies, Deceit and Manipulation – The toxic environment the gay ill health created

By | 18th July 2020

Think of how many times as gay men we have been burnt by liars, deceivers and manipulators, sometimes called “players”. Gay men who will do or say anything to get what they want, whether that be socially, financially or in the bedroom. Gay men who manipulate so skillfully by psychological means that the victim doubts… Read More »

The myth of ending HIV through testing during COVID-19 lockdown

By | 7th May 2020

The gay ill health unprofessionals are obsessed with the idea of “ending HIV”. Without a cure or vaccine it’s an unobtainable goal which keeps them in their gay ill health job. Their (flawed) strategy is based somewhat on “herd immunity” and they see COVID-19 lockdown as an unprecedented opportunity to end HIV. If everyone tested… Read More »

The toolbox of tragedy – COVID-19 special edition

By | 2nd May 2020

We have witnessed an ambulance pulling up to a neighbour’s house and our local mentally ill chemsex addict being taken away on a stretcher. He had an oxygen mask on, with the paramedics in full PPE. It reminded us of the bubonic plague. Then with full sirens the ambulance took him away to hospital. He… Read More »