Author Archives: admin

Users of TAF in PrEP more likely to develop high blood pressure or need statins

By | 15th September 2023

“A study of people who started PrEP in a southern California health system has found that people who took PrEP containing tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) were more likely to be diagnosed with high blood pressure or start treatment with a statin to control cholesterol than those taking PrEP containing tenofovir disoproxil (TDF) during a two-year follow-up.”… Read More »

How the history of HIV/AIDS in the UK in the 1980s is exaggerated, while the current risk to gay men is played down

By | 22nd July 2021

In an article on the Mail Online website Simon Fanshawe writes: “It was a transformative decade. HIV/Aids killed tens of thousands of blameless gay men, many of them heartbreakingly young, while Margaret Thatcher’s government instituted Section 28.” Mr Fanshawe is one of the original founders of the charity Stonewall and it’s clear he’s referring to… Read More »

Is the gay ill health sector enacting bareback conversion therapy on the gay community?

By | 23rd July 2020

If you believe the gay ill health sector is a force for good in the gay community, this article may be triggering for you. It may however be a sign you have been brainwashed and traumatised by an extreme politically correct woke bareback agenda masquerading as “ending HIV”. So please have an open mind. ” Brainwashing (also… Read More »

The myth of ending HIV through testing during COVID-19 lockdown

By | 7th May 2020

The gay ill health unprofessionals are obsessed with the idea of “ending HIV”. Without a cure or vaccine it’s an unobtainable goal which keeps them in their gay ill health job. Their (flawed) strategy is based somewhat on “herd immunity” and they see COVID-19 lockdown as an unprecedented opportunity to end HIV. If everyone tested… Read More »

The toolbox of tragedy – COVID-19 special edition

By | 2nd May 2020

We have witnessed an ambulance pulling up to a neighbour’s house and our local mentally ill chemsex addict being taken away on a stretcher. He had an oxygen mask on, with the paramedics in full PPE. It reminded us of the bubonic plague. Then with full sirens the ambulance took him away to hospital. He… Read More »

PrEP users and the bareback community are struggling in these times – Dr Linzi Lovelace gives advice

By | 24th April 2020

Marginalised minorities who are stigmatised by society, particularly PrEP users and the bareback community are in my thoughts during the COVID-19 crisis. They are the ones at high risk of the disease due to their potential risky behaviour, but we must be clear not to judge, stigmatise or condemn these members of our gay community… Read More »