Will 2023 be another year of disaster for the gay ill health sector?

By | 14th January 2023

2022 was another disastrous year for the gay ill health sector as they pushed their bareback agenda onto the gay community.

The highlight (or low point) was the advent of monkeypox. The World Health Organisation (WHO) declared monkeypox a public health emergency.

Originally contained in Africa it swept across the Western world predominantly affecting gay men. It started in Spain, both on the mainland in Madrid and Gran Canaria during Pride in May, along with a fetish nightclub in Belgium. The epicentre of the outbreak was in gay saunas and backrooms, where no questions asked, anonymous unprotected condomless sex takes place, normally in the dark. Those infected traveled home to their respected home countries to spread it to their own “gay community”.

Predictably the gay ill health sector played down the fact that it had become a sexually transmitted disease predominantly within the “liberated” bareback community as they didn’t want those misguided individuals “stigmatised”. The NHS recommended using condoms for 2 weeks after a monkeypox infection and PrEP users and poz guys were targeted for the vaccine, which was a smallpox vaccine. A shortage of supplies gave the gay ill health non-experts a chance to bash the NHS and ask for more funding for sexual health clinics (and themselves).

Eventually monkeypox was renamed mpox, making it sound like a 90s pop band. This was to protect the delicate feelings of those who got it and remove the “stigma”. But as we’ve pointed out in the past, when it comes to serious illnesses, stigma is a good thing. By removing stigma you create more victims. So being compared to a monkey that is constantly “shagging” and has a bright red bottom is exactly what’s needed.


Predictions for 2023

More of the same from the gay ill health sector pushing their bareback agenda and erasing condoms from any sexual health campaigns. They will continue to push the idea that all poz guys take their medication regularly and are undetectable and therefore untransmittable (U=U) and no condoms are needed. This is unquestionable in their opinion. PrEP will be continued to be pushed as the number 1 way for HIV negative guys to protect themselves from HIV along with the “test, test, test” message. And they will continue to ask for more funding so HIV can be ended by 2030.

What will actually happen, we predict, is STIs soaring to even higher levels, with drug resistant STIs on the horizon due to the normalisation of condomless sex. Monkeypox will occur again during Prides in major cities and holiday resorts when barebackers mix in sleazy anonymous environments. New STIs will emerge.

The gay ill health sector unprofessionals will whine about their own health issues, none of which, they claim, are due to their HIV positive status. Some will drop dead at a young age due to chemsex drug addictions, as they did in 2022.

What can you do?

Avoid the predatory barebackers at all cost. Insist on using condoms or doing other sexy things. Remember the sex you have is your choice and your choice alone. Question everything the gay ill health sector says online, especially if it doesn’t sit right with you. Be judgemental, the gay community isn’t the loving and happy arena that is portrayed. Look after yourself.


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